Oakland DUI Defense Attorney and Court Info


Find yourself with a DUI arrest in Oakland?

Hire a local DUI defense attorney with over 25 years of exclusive DUI defense experience. Attorney Morell has devoted her legal career to defending those who have been accused of DUI in Oakland and the surrounding areas.  She only takes DUI cases.  Many law offices take every type of crime that walks through the door and usually view DUI cases as unimportant.  Not Ms. Morell.  She knows the DUI defenses and how to use them to your benefit.  Why hire a lawyer that is not educated in the most recent DUI defenses? Ms. Morell knows the Oakland DUI process and knows how to present your best defense.

Oakland DUI Defense Attorney and Oakland California Court Information
Oakland DUI Defense and Court Information

Oakland DUI Arrest Information

The following police agencies patrol the City of Oakland:  CHP Oakland, Oakland Police Department, and Alameda County Sheriff's Department.  When you are arrested for a DUI in Oakland, California, you will be given a court date.  The Court that handles all Oakland DUI arrests is the Alameda Superior Court, Wiley W. Manuel Courthouse, 661 Washington Street, Oakland, CA 94607.

Oakland Superior Court , Wiley E Manuel


Oakland Police Department

Oakland Police Department

Alameda County Sheriff's Department

On your court date, your case will be assigned to a certain department.  Your first court date is called an "arraignment."  This date is a procedural court date where the complaint is received listing your charges and the police report.  The chemical test results are also received.  The case is then continued to another court date. In between the first court date and the second court date, the investigation into your case starts.  This is a very important part of your case and why an attorney is essential to the proper defense of your case. It is possible to have charges reduced and avoid jail time.

2021 UPDATE: Diversion is now available on some DUI cases. This means your DUI can be dismissed and you can avoid a criminal record. Call Amy to find out how.

What you should know about the DMV Hearing Request in Oakland

It is important to know that a DMV hearing request must be made within 10 days from the date of arrest in order to contest your initial license suspension. For an Oakland arrest, a request for a DMV hearing must be made to the Oakland Driver's Safety Office, 510-563-8900. The 10 days include weekends and holidays. It is important you act within this strict time frame or you may have waived your right to a hearing. However, if you did not make the request within the 10 day time limit, a request for a late hearing may be made. Most DMV hearings are scheduled within 4-8 weeks from the date of arrest. The DMV will mail an additional temporary license so that your driving privileges remain valid until a decision from the hearing is made. There are many defenses to DMV hearings. These hearing can be won!

For DMV administrative hearings in Oakland and other Alameda County DUI cases visit: Oakland DMV info

The DMV hearing is usually scheduled 4-8 weeks after your arrest date.  The DMV will mail you an additional temporary license that is good pending the decision from the DMV hearing.  At the DMV hearing, only certain issues will be discussed.  If a chemical test result of .08% or more was obtained (no refusal), these three issues are heard:
1) Did the peace officer have reasonable cause to believe your were driving a motor vehicle in violation of Section 23152, 23153 or 23154 CVC?
2) Were you lawfully arrested?
3) Were you driving a motor vehicle when you had 0.08% BAC or more by weight of alcohol?
If any one of these issues are won, the license suspension is avoided. 
NEW IID LAWS - for all arrests 2019 and later, you can avoid ANY suspension time on your license.  Amy can tell you how.
Amy Morell is knowledgeable of local rules and procedures of DUI cases in Oakland. Once hired, she will work tirelessly and devote her extensive knowledge and resources toward getting you the best possible outcome in your case. She will provide you with specialized representation and will personally handle every aspect of your case.  She is very easy to speak with. Please call 510-293-9440 to speak with Amy directly.

Proven Track Record

Proven track record of successfully helping people charged with DUI.
