Bay Area DUI Law Blog


Amy Morell is a California Attorney who focuses her practice exclusively on DUI defense in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here she blogs about issues surrounding impaired driving law, process and science in California.

DUI and Car Insurance - What you Need to Know.

Posted by Amy Morell | Nov 07, 2013 | 0 Comments

A lot of clients want to know how getting a DUI is going to impact their car insurance.There are TWO separate ways that additional car insurance may be required by theDMV in relation to a DUI. If convicted of a DUI, an SR-22 Form must be kept on file with the DMV for a minimum of 3 years. www....

DUI California First Offense

Posted by Amy Morell | Jun 10, 2013 | 0 Comments

If you have been arrested for a misdemeanor first offense DUI in California, you are sure to have questions. The question most often asked is: “Will I go to jail?” The answer is: “Most likely you will not.”

Get Familiar with the Different Types of DUI

Posted by Amy Morell | Mar 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

When it comes to DUI, it is important to remember that it isn't just one category of offense. There are several different types of DUI, and knowing and understanding the ramifications of each is the first step to helping your DUI attorney win your case. So what are the types of DUI? Misdemeanor...

How to get Car Insurance after a DWI

Posted by Amy Morell | Mar 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

After you've received a DWI or DUI, getting insurance may seem like the least of your concerns. While there are court proceedings and possible jail time on the horizon, insurance is a huge concern because a DWI can make getting insurance very difficult. In this video from the eHow video netwo...

Learning the Law: The Difference Between DUI and DWI

Posted by Amy Morell | Feb 28, 2013 | 0 Comments

Facing a drunk driving charge is overwhelming. If you've been charged with a DUI or DWI, you may be confused about exactly what these terms mean. When you're defending yourself from a DUI or DWI charge, you may feel as though no one will defend you, or fear that you'll become a pariah. An experi...

Proven Track Record

Proven track record of successfully helping people charged with DUI.
