Wet Reckless
A wet reckless is a reduction from a DUI charge. A wet reckless is a violation of Vehicle Code Section 23013 within 2310.5. A DUI charge is typically a violation of Vehicle Code Sections 23512(a) and/or (b). The Court refers to a wet reckless as an alcohol related reckless driving. While that sounds worse than a DUI, it is actually better. A reduction to a wet reckless may be beneficial for future and current employment, immigration consequences and other reasons.
The typical sentence for a wet reckless is 2-3 years of court probation. Court probation is not supervised probation so no reporting to a probation officer is required. One must not get arrested, not drink and drive, not refuse to take a chemical test if suspected of drinking and driving and requested by a peace officer, and not drive without a valid license or insurance. Also, a court fine will be imposed. A wet reckless school is also typically ordered. This school is 12 hours long, 2 hours per week.
Most importantly, a wet reckless will avoid the requirement that a breathing device (Ignition Interlock Device) be installed in a vehicle in Alameda, Sacramento, Los Angeles and Tulare counties.
Also, a wet reckless conviction avoids having to file an SR-22 Form with the DMV. This is a very expensive insuance requirement if your are convicted of a DUI. Keep in mind tho, that if the DMV DUI hearing is lost, the DMV will require the SR-22 Form filing. That is why it is important to hire a skilled DUI Defense Attorney to try and win your DMV hearing.
Please contact Morell Law Office at 510-293-9440 for a free case evaluation.