Bay Area DUI Law Blog


What is a PAS?

Posted by Amy Morell | Jun 13, 2019

PAS stand for Preliminary Alcohol Screening Device


If you were arrested for a DUI, the officer probably asked you if you would take a PAS test.  These devices are not evidential chemical tests.  What does that mean? It means that once you are arrested you will be asked to take another breath test or a blood test.

PAS devices are notoriously inaccurate.  A skilled DUI Defense attorney can attack the PAS results. These devices have been known to give false and high readings. The device was only intended to be used to detect the presence of alcohol.  However, the device does give a numerical reading that can come into evidence and be used against a person charged with DUI.  The devices must be properly maintained and calibrated. 

Here is the inside of the device:

Inside a PAS

Please contact Morell Law Office for your free consultation 510-293-9440

About the Author

Amy Morell

Morell Law Office is 100% devoted to defending people accused of DUI in courts and DMV hearings in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Proven Track Record

Proven track record of successfully helping people charged with DUI.
